Insects STings

Only female mosquitoes require a blood meal (protein), their bites are painful and they bite persistently


1) Always wear long sleeve shirts and pants outdoors during peak mosquito activity time periods.
2) Apply repellent sparingly only to exposed skin or clothing.
3) DO NOT scratch the bite.
4) Apply All-Stings directly to the bite.

The most common of the stinging insects are not troublesome unless provoked. Once they sting they will die. They often leave their stings behind


1) Scrape stinger with bank card or a long fingernail. Do not try to pull it out. Pressure on the stinger sacks will release more venom.
2) Apply All-Stings to the sting.
3) Children should never be given Aspirin because of Reye’s syndrome, a rare but life threatening illness.
4) If you are allergic to insect venom, wear a medic-alert identification.
5) Consider even the slightest breathing difficulty or altered level of consciousness as a Medical Emergency

Hornets have short black bodies with yellow or white markings. They sting repeatedly.Wasps are hairless with narrow ‘waists’ that separate their chests from their long, slim, lower bodies. They can be black, brown or red. Wasps build nests in the eaves of buildings and under rafters. They sting repeatedly


1) Apply All-Stings to the sting.
2) Children should never be given Aspirin because of Reye’s syndrome, a rare but life threatening illness.
3) If you are allergic to insect venom, wear a medic-alert identification.
4) Consider even the slightest breathing difficulty or altered level of consciousness as a Medical Emergency.